Source code for twtb.logic.shared.db.channels_info

"""Module for :attr:`~twtb.logic.shared.db.Database.channels_info` attribute."""
import dataclasses
import json
import typing as t

import redis.asyncio as redis
import telethon
import telethon.utils
import typing_extensions as te
from loguru import logger
from import Channel

import twtb.utils

[docs]class ChannelInfo: """Class for channel info into object instead of :class:`dict`."""
[docs] title: str
[docs] username: str
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Transforms self to JSON string.""" return json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(self))
[docs] def from_json(cls, data: str) -> te.Self: """Creates instance from JSON string.""" parsed = json.loads(data) return cls(title=parsed["title"], username=parsed["username"])
[docs] def __post_init__(self) -> None: """The annotations in telethon say that username can be None. This will check for that, and report into logs. """ if self.username is None: logger.warning(f"Channel {self.title!r} doesn't have username, please report this!") # type: ignore[unreachable]
[docs]class ChannelNotFoundOrIsInvalidError(Exception): """Exception raised when you try to get and save channel, which doesn't exist or is invalid.""" def __init__(self, channel_name: str) -> None: self.channel_name = channel_name super().__init__(f"Channel {channel_name!r} not found or it's invalid.")
[docs]class ProvidedIdIsNotAChannelError(Exception): """Exception raised when you try to get and save something, which is not a channel.""" def __init__(self, channel_name: str, actual_type_name: str) -> None: self.channel_name = channel_name self.actual_type_name = actual_type_name super().__init__(f"Channel {channel_name!r} is not a channel, but is {actual_type_name!r}.")
[docs]class ChannelInfoInDB(metaclass=twtb.utils.Singleton): """Class for storing channel info in database.""" def __init__(self, connection: "redis.Redis[bytes]") -> None: self._connection = connection
[docs] async def get(self, id: str, *, _optimize: bool = True) -> t.Optional[ChannelInfo]: """Get channel info from database.""" if _optimize: id = telethon.utils.parse_username(id)[0] as_json = await self._connection.get(f"channel_info:{id}") return ChannelInfo.from_json(as_json.decode()) if as_json is not None else as_json
[docs] async def set( self, id: str, value: ChannelInfo, *, expire: t.Optional[float] = None, _optimize: bool = True ) -> bool: """Set channel info in database.""" if _optimize: id = telethon.utils.parse_username(id)[0] return bool(await self._connection.set("channel_info:" + id, value.to_json(), ex=expire))
[docs] async def get_and_save(self, id: str, client: telethon.TelegramClient) -> ChannelInfo: """Get channel info from database, and save it if it's not there.""" id = telethon.utils.parse_username(id)[0] channel_info = await self.get(id, _optimize=False) if channel_info is None: try: tg_entity = await client.get_entity(id) except telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.UsernameInvalidError: raise ChannelNotFoundOrIsInvalidError(id) if not isinstance(tg_entity, Channel): raise ProvidedIdIsNotAChannelError(id, type(tg_entity).__name__) channel_info = ChannelInfo(title=tg_entity.title, username=tg_entity.username) await self.set(id, channel_info, _optimize=False, expire=604800) # 7 days return channel_info